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Bosch Secure Authentication

Verify Origify Cards Demo


Thank you for ordering Verify Origify Demo Cards. Your package should include a set of registered and unregistered cards as well as an instruction document. If you find any items missing, please contact us via the contact form.

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Download the Verify Origify App

Download the Verify Origify App

Get the Verify Origify App from the play store or the app store using the links below.

Verify Origify Demo Cards- Compatible smartphone models

Origify card selection in the app

Card Selection

In the app, choose verify and select the Origify Card option. Then follow the app's instructions for the verification process.

Card verification process in the app

Verification Procedure

Registered cards feature a unique number on the back and are highlighted by a green border on the sides, establishing traceability at the individual unit level. Unregistered cards lack a number and are highlighted by a red border. Upon scanning, a result labeled "Authentic" indicates previous registration by RB GmbH. By scrolling down, you can access the disctincitve custom ID. For further guidance, please consult the app store description.

Verify Origify Demo Cards Instruction Document

Verify Origify Demo Cards Instruction

Download the Verify Origify Demo Cards instructions here